5 Tips For Great Blind Dates

Most people have an aversion to blind dates. For some, it’s because of a bad past experience. For others, it’s fear of the unknown. When you think about it, any date can turn out badly and you can’t truly know someone until you meet them. Blind dates hold just as much potential as “regular” dates. Plus, they’re often set up by people who know you well and have your best interests in mind. In that light, here are 5 tips for making the most of every blind date you go on.

Tip #1: Be Open To Going

Life throws curve balls. You can never know who you’ll meet until you meet them. Millions of happily married couples can describe the odd circumstances during which they met. Be open to going on as many blind dates as your schedule allows.

Tip #2: Go For Lunch

Dinners usually require more time than lunch. If you discover that you don’t like your blind date, lunch is much easier to end quickly. However, if you and your date enjoy each other’s company, you can make plans to get together again.

Tip #3: Show Yourself

Your date is likely as nervous as you are. Each of you has expectations of the other person and you’re trying to decide whether those expectations are true. The last thing you should do is try to be someone you’re not. Be yourself and show your personality. This is the first impression your partner will have of you. Make sure that impression is accurate.

Tip #4: Plan The Conversation

Being a great conversationalist is important on any date. But, it’s critical for enjoying a blind date. After all, you don’t know much – if anything – about your partner. Plan a few light questions to ask your date. Questions about family, jobs, music and movies are fantastic conversation starters. You don’t need to plan every word you’ll say, of course. But, having a few questions ready is a great way to avoid awkward silences while you’re learning more about your date.

Tip #5: Be Alert

Keep your eyes and ears open during the date. Your partner may be extremely charming and seem intelligent, but this is your first exposure to that person. Look for a wedding ring. Listen to the conversation. Does your date speak badly about family members? Is your partner rude to the restaurant’s employees? Such behavior may be signs of deeper personality issues.

Enjoying Yourself

Blind dates can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people. Despite the possibility that it can turn out badly, a blind date can be an opportunity to meet someone who’s a great match for you. Be open to meeting new dating partners over lunch and be yourself. Plan a few questions in advance and watch for warning signs. You may discover that your new friend has the potential to be much more.

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